Confirmation of tour details

If you are assigned lead guide or lead docent on a tour, you are responsible for contacting the school or person who reserved the tour to confirm all details. This step is crucial for learning of any mobility needs within the group (e.g., one student in need of elevator access), any special requests (e.g., We want to see van Gogh’s Olive Trees), and confirming the number of people attending. For school tours, the school receives the general Mia tour guidelines with the tour confirmation. For your reference, form letter templates for lead docents and lead guides are posted on the volunteer website. Search for “lead docent” or “lead guide” to quickly find these templates.

To help visitors prepare for their tour, we have additional support materials developed by School and Teacher Learning. These are available on the museum’s website.

First, Mia offers three Social Narratives designed for members of the neurodiverse community. Intended to increase comfort while visiting the museum, these illustrated documents are useful tools for anyone planning a trip to Mia. You’ll find versions for guided school groups, families, and adults and teens. Each is available electronically and by request at Mia’s Third Avenue entrance. A list of sensory friendly spaces in Mia is also provided.

Second, “Your Trip to Mia” is a video in English, Somali, and Spanish (scroll to the bottom of the page to find the videos). The video walks students and chaperones through the experience of visiting Mia as a group and provides museum rules so that everyone knows the expectations before they arrive. Separate documents outlining group guidelines and responsibilities are also available on the same page.

At least one week before the scheduled tour, the lead should send important information to the other docents or guides, so all can fully prepare. Gaining knowledge of your group before they arrive is an essential step to providing a welcoming experience. If you are touring a large group with multiple docents or guides assigned, leave time after walking your route to check in with one another before the tour.

Tip: For school tours, check out the website of the school from which the group comes, so you learn of any school mascots or value statements that you could incorporate on the tour or mention in your welcome. The kids appreciate those references!