Interactive Media Funders and Supporters
Many of the Interactive Media Groups projects are financially supported
by a number of generous funders. These include:
General Mills Foundation- supporting our Institute's leadership in the
development and installation of the 15 award winning interactive multimedia
learning stations throughout the museum as well as the initial development
of the museums web site.
Minnesota State Legislature and the Minnesota Department of Children Families
and Learning - providing generous support for the formation and development
of the Integrated Arts Information Access project which in 1998 was publicly
launched as ArtsConnectEd, an online art education resource for teachers
and students. Portions of this funding were also used in the development
of the "World Ceramics" and the award winning "Get the
Picture: Thinking about Photographs"online educational units.
MCIWorldcom- providing support for the development and marketing of the
public portion of the ArtsConnectEd website as well as the design and
development of the Designing Spaces and Places thematic unit within the
ArtsNetMinnesota website.
Blandin Foundation- supporting the formation and development of ArtsNetMinnesota,
a collaborative online curriculum project between the Walker Art Center,
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, and
the Minnesota Museum of American Art.
Hudson Corporation- in providing technical consulting and usability testing
for the ArtsConnectEd project.