Curriculum Materials: Art in America
Look Questions Teacher Answer Key 1. Who is this? How can you tell? What clues in the painting tell you that this man is important? 2. Where is Washington standing? (In a furnished space opened to the outdoors.) Is this place inside or outside? (Either answer is acceptable.) What clues led you to your answer? (Furniture and objects suggest that it is inside. View of the sky through the columns suggests it is an open, outdoor space.) 3. Describe Washington's outfit in detail. What colors does he wear? What kind of collar is on his shirt? (Ruffled.) Where else do you see ruffles? (Sleeve cuffs.) What is he wearing over his shirt? (A vest and a jacket.) How many buttons are on his jacket? (One.) How long are his pants? (Knee-length.) What is he wearing below his pants? (Stockings.) What kinds of accessories does he have? (A hair bow, a gold watch, a sword.) 4. What time of day is it? (Dawn.) How can you tell? (Blue sky and long shadows.) From where is the sun coming? (From outside of the painting, to the left.) What do you see in the sky? (A rainbow and clouds.) 5. What color dominates this painting? (Red.) Where do you see red? (Tablecloth, curtain, chair, books, ribbon around sword handle, rainbow, Washington's cheeks.) 6. CLASSICAL is a word used to describe the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Where do you see classical references in this painting? (Columns behind Washington, eagles on table leg, wrapped bundle of rods forming table leg, laurel design on the arms and crest of the chair.) 7. What objects in the painting tell you that George
Washington was a military man? A lawmaker and leader? A
lover of the outdoors? Wealthy?