Curriculum Materials: Amazing Animals in Art

Howling Dog by Paul Klee

Image 5

Paul Klee
Swiss, 1879-1940
Howling Dog


About this Object
About the Artist

Suggested Questions: K-3
Suggested Questions: 4-6

Suggested Questions: Grades K-3

View Teachers Key

  1. What kind of animal is this? What is the animal doing? Is this animal scary, friendly, strong, playful, gentle? Would you like to have this animal for a pet? Why or why not?

  2. Is the dog in the painting outdoors or indoors? How can you tell? What time of day is it? Is this a place you would like to visit? Why or why not? What sounds would you hear if you were in this painting?

  3. Look carefully at the kinds of lines Klee used in his painting. Where are the lines thick? Thin? Where has Klee used jagged lines? Curved? Straight?

  4. Use your finger to follow the line that describes the dog. Can you find a place where the line begins? Where the line ends? How would you describe the line? Does it hop, skip, glide, dance, howl? Where does the line move quickly? Slowly? Where does the line repeat itself?

  5. What shapes does Klee's line create? Are the shapes ORGANIC or GEOMETRIC?

  6. What color is the dog? Where else do you see this color? What color is the moon? Where else do you see this color? What other colors do you see? Where?

  7. Part of Klee's line describes a dog, another part describes a moon. What do you think the rest of the line describes?

Introduction ~ Index of Images ~ Glossary ~ Amazing Animals Activities ~ How to Order ~ Your Comments Wanted