Curriculum Materials: Art in America
Think Questions Teacher Answer Key 1. What purpose was this chest used for? (Storage.) Why would colonists decorate such a functional object? Where do you store things in your home? Are any of your containers decorated? How? Which are not decorated? Why do you think some of these containers are decorated and others are not? Does the difference have anything to do with the objects stored in the containers? With the places they are kept? 2. Some of the decorations on the chest are painted black
to resemble ebony. What is ebony? (A hard, dark wood from
Asia.) Why would the colonists want to imitate ebony?
(It was expensive and therefore highly valued; it was
considered more attractive than cheaper woods.) What
other object in the Connecticut Room
was treated to look like another Asian material? (The
mirror was treated to look like
LACQUER.) Do you
have anything that is made of one material but designed to
look like another?