Amazing Animals in Art SCIENCE ACTIVITIES Moths, Caterpillar, and Foliage (image) Research the stages in the development of a butterfly or moth. Which stages are shown in this print? Take a nature walk to collect and study various insects in different stages of development. Keep a log of what you see.
Bridge-Spout Vessel in the Form of a
Fish This vessel shows that water and the natural environment were important to the Nazca people of ancient Peru. In what ways is the natural environment important to life in the United States? Write a report on ways that your environment affects your life. What can you do to help preserve and improve the natural environment?
Thematic Activities A. Write a report on an animal and present it to the class. Include information about its eating habits, environment, and life span and how it has been represented in art. B. Biologists classify animals by phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Which animals in this unit belong to the same family? the same genus? the same species? Use postcard reproductions to sort the animals by various classifications. |